1. Full History of Corrigenda and Rule Change Notices.
  2. They refer to Knoweldge Centre (KC) ID Numbers. Information on KC ID Nos can be found on this web site, under the heading of ‘Questions and Answers and Common Interpretations’.
  3. In November 2008 IACS launched the IACS CSR Tracking Database (www.iacs-csrtrack.org.uk) to provide users easy and quick access to full up-to-date revision history of CSR Rules on a paragraph by paragraph basis. Enquiries about the database should be addressed to csr@iacs.org.uk.
  4. Oil Tanker CSR RCN 1 (for July 2008 consolidated edition): In June 2009 based on further input from industry, IACS Council decided to postpone the implementation of RCN 1 until such time as an additional technical study was completed. In November 2009, following further technical review, IACS Council agreed an amended version of Oil Tanker CSR RCN 1 for July 2008 consolidated edition to enter into force on 1 February 2010.