European Commission

IACS’ representation in Brussels
IACS has a Representative to the EU, based in Brussels. The Representative promotes the aims of IACS by interacting as required with EU Commissioners and Cabinet advisors, MEPs and Intergroups, maritime industry associations and EU Member State governments.

IACS maintains a permanent office in Brussels in order to liaise with the relevant European institutions and stakeholders. The IACS European Union (EU) Representative supports a permanent IACS expert group, known as EG/EU, through monitoring and analysing of EU initiatives applicable to shipping. The group meets twice per year in Brussels.

In response to the European Commission’s increased involvement of stakeholders in the preparation and follow-up of its legislative deliberations, IACS decided to become actively involved in EC expert groups relevant to the scope of the association and the activities of its members. These expert groups include the European Sustainable Shipping Forum (ESSF) and its sub-groups, the Expert Group on Passenger Ship Safety and the Group on Places of Refuge. As an example of the work undertaken by IACS through these expert groups, the Association has contributed to the latter by compiling an IACS Recommendation for the Operation of Shore-Based Emergency Response Services.

While IACS’ primary contact at European Commission level is with DG MOVE – and specifically the Maritime Safety Unit – continuous working contacts have been established over the past years with other Directorate-Generals, such as CLIMA and ENV. The cultivation of these relationships goes hand-in-hand with an increased legislative focus on environmental topics, specifically on tackling emissions from shipping.

Close relations also exist with the European Member States and the European Parliament in their role as European co-legislators.
Even though the EU is a regional body, its contributions towards the IMO have gained a high level of traction and are therefore closely followed by IACS. The ESSF sub-groups, comprising representatives from the Commission, Member States and industry, have produced several submissions to relevant IMO committees. IACS and its member societies are involved in several of these sub-groups, notably the ones dealing with liquefied natural gas as ship’s fuel and exhaust gas cleaning systems.

IACS Brussels Office
Astrid Silvia Grunert
IACS Representative to the EU
Résidence Palace, Rue de la Loi 155, Bte 97, 1040 Brussels, Belgium