
Principal Technical advisor to IMO

IACS considers the IMO’s approach of tackling the shipping world’s complex challenges through inclusivity and partnerships as a keystone to success. IACS supports IMO’s employment of soft diplomacy to create pathways to channel the very best advice and foster consensus on complex issues facing the world today.

Contribution to the work of IMO remains one of the main pillars of IACS’ work. That continuous programme feeds into the development of the international statutory safety regime at IMO. Gathering knowledge from across its membership, and partnering and sharing with the wider shipping community strengthens IACS’ aim of leaving no one behind.

IACS is committed to maintaining the necessary level of support to IMO both in terms of pace and scope. IACS values greatly its role as the principal technical advisor to the IMO and the advice, expertise and experience of IACS’ 11 Members is always available both to the Organization and the wider maritime industry in pursuit of shared objectives of cleaner and safer shipping.

A seat at the European table

IACS maintains a permanent office in Brussels in order to liaise with the relevant European institutions and stakeholders. The IACS European Union (EU) Representative supports a permanent IACS expert group, known as EG/EU, through monitoring and analysing of EU initiatives applicable to shipping. The group meets twice per year in Brussels.

While IACS’ primary contact at European Commission level is with DG MOVE – and specifically the Maritime Safety Unit – continuous working contacts have been established over the past years with other Directorate-Generals, such as CLIMA and ENV. The cultivation of these relationships goes hand-in-hand with an increased legislative focus on environmental topics, specifically on tackling emissions from shipping. Close relations also exist with the European Member States and the European Parliament in their role as European co-legislators.

Working with Industry

One of the ways that IACS contributes to driving forward pan-industry initiatives is through the use of Joint Working Groups (JWGs). These are established periodically in response to a particular technical or policy development where it is recognised that either additional operational/3rd party input is required or where the issue identified clearly affects not only IACS Members but other segments of the industry. The objective of establishing a JWG is to allow other stakeholders to assist IACS in the development of a Resolution (URs, UIs or PRs) or Recommendation that will be of value to the wider industry.